

RIP Frater David Harbuck

David and Jill Harbuck

We will miss Frater Dave Harbuck (#842). Dave pledged TKE as a freshman in the Fall of 1989 and graduated from USC in 1993.  He died on March 16, 2017 at the very young age of 45.  He is survived by his wife Jill; daughter Haley, and son Cooper.

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RIP Frater Thayer Holbrook


Thayer Holbrook 1958 TKE USC

Sad news arrived today from Jerry Murphy…”My good friend and Frater Thayer Holbrook has been suffering for many years. This morning his suffering ended. Frater (bwana) Holbrook passed away. ”  In honor of Frater Thayer we are posting this photo from the LA Times Archives (April 12, 1959). Its caption reads: Surrounded by friends and fraternity brothers, Thayer Holbrook (Beta-Sigma #352), 19-year-old University of Southern California freshman, cools his feet after playing table tennis for 50 hours at Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity house.

“I would have gone on longer,” he told a cheering crowd of spectators, “but I have classes tomorrow.”

RIP Frater

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TKE Investment Club Hosts First Speaking Event

TKE USC Investment Club

TKE Beta-Sigma has expanded its partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital through the formation of Beta-Sigma Capital Holdings, an investment group that will teach members valuable trading knowledge and techniques, with the goal of maximizing returns, which will be donated to St. Jude.  The club currently manages a $40,000 investment portfolio.  Seed capital was donated from chapter member’s dues and is held in a distinct investment account with oversight provided by the Beta-Sigma Chapter Board of Advisors.   The members of the Beta-Sigma Capital Holdings Investment Club are responsible for investment strategy and all trades.

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Marc Benioff donates $20 Million to USC

0815_marc-benioff-salesforce_650x455The University of Southern California now has a second tech billionaire contributing to its new cancer treatment center — and he used to work for the first billionaire donor.  Beta-Sigma TKE, USC Trustee, and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and his wife Lynne announced a $20 million gift to USC to help build a new cancer institute. Read the full story here.

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The Beta Sigma Alumni Association
Our 75th Anniversary Is Coming Soon.
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