

The TKE Commitment

In August 1978, TKE officially joined Frater Danny Thomas in the fight against childhood cancer by raising money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.  37 years later, TKE recommitted itself to this amazing cause by raising and donating $1 million dollars in just five years.  Past Grand Prytanis Bob Barr (Beta-Sigma) and CEO Donnie Aldrich present a check for $1,000,000 to St. Jude.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

“Show me a way in life and I will build you a shrine.” – Danny Thomas’ prayer to St. Jude Thaddeus.
TKE has now pledged to donate $2.6 million for the proton therapy synchrotron/particle accelerator.  A sign at the hospital reminds us of our cause.
St Jude TKE

We Take Up the Challenge

Beta-Sigma, along with TKE chapters from across the country, has been working to reach our $2.6 Million Dollar pledge to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, but we still have a way to go.  Danny Thomas said: “I am proud to be a Teke, and I know St. Jude is going to approve of this marriage between the greatest Fraternity in the world and the greatest hospital with the most miraculous research center.”
Meeting with St Jude

Beta-Sigma Capital Holdings

Beta-Sigma Capital Holdings, a chapter run group is investing with the goal of maximizing returns, which will be donated to St. Jude. The club currently manages a $40,000 investment portfolio which was donated from member dues.
Beta-Sigma Check

Join Beta-Sigma and make a donation to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.


©2025 Tau Kappa Epsilon
The Beta Sigma Alumni Association
Our 75th Anniversary Is Coming Soon.
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