

Shawn Talbott RIP

Dear Fraters,Shawn Talbott and Brooke

It is with deepest regret and sorrow that we bring you the news that Shawn Talbott passed away on the morning of Friday, April 26th when his vehicle crashed. Though final results are not in yet, all signs point to his having experienced a heart attack, that took him quickly, as the cause of the crash.

Shawn Talbott made a huge impact at TKE from the moment he pledged the house in 1988. Gifted with remarkable intelligence, insight, courage, conviction, and overwhelming charisma he was an almost unstoppable force at USC. He earned a spot on the 1988 Trojan Football team that played in the Rose Bowl and was one game away from a National Championship. He served as Vice President of the Fraternity. Most recently he served as Chapter Advisor.

Shawn grew up in Palos Verdes, attended Rolling Hills High School and graduated from the University of Southern California.  He was Owner/President of the Southern California Umpires Association and Referee at USA Water Polo.

We encourage all to post condolences, well wishes, and memorable moments with Shawn on his Facebook page where Memorial Service arrangements will be posted as they become available:

Shawn leaves behind his wife Lauri and a beautiful daughter Brooke. We are all supporting Lauri, Brooke and the rest of the family with a memorial fund to help with expenses.


From left to right: Shawn Talbott, Kevin Regardie, Pete Gutzwiller, Jeff Ruggels, Erik Brannon and Drew Schlussel

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Jeff Herle RIP

Dear Fraters,Jeff-Herle

It is with a heavy heart that I must write this letter to all of you. In the very early hours of January 1st 2013, Jeff Herle, one of our recent Beta Sigma Alumni was struck and killed by a car on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu leaving a New Years Eve Celebration. We do not know the details of how this tragedy occurred other than the very little that has been given to us by the authorities.

Jeff was a member of the Fall of 2007 Pledge Class at Beta Sigma and has been an important part of this fraternity ever since. Jeff was full of life and always had a smile on his face, always trying to be the life of the party, and everyones friend. “You gotta want it”, his signature phrase, will forever be ingrained in our memories because of his simple care-free antics that made him a popular figure amongst all of the fraters in TKE.

There will be two memorial events held in Jeff’s Honor this week, We would like as many Beta Sigma TKE’s in Attendance as possible to show how much he meant to this fraternity that we all love. The information for these events is listed Below.

Vigil: Wednesday January 9th, 7:30pm at American Martyrs Church in Manhattan Beach. The family requests that we were something very “Jeffrey-like”, aka lots of colors, USC gear, bow ties, or whatever you feel like reminds you of him.

Funeral: Thursday 10am at St. John’s the Baptist Church in Baldwin Park. We ask that you wear TKE Formal Attire, Blue Blazer, Khaki Pants, Red Tie, and TKE Pin. 

Please take a few minutes to reflect on the relationships you have with your family, your friends, and yourself, and truly cherish every moment you have. I love you all. Rest In Peace Jeff Herle.

Yours in the Bond,
Michael Nigosian
Beta Sigma 1250

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Beta Sigma ELEVATE 2012


Alumni support propels our first ever professionally facilitated chapter leadership retreat.

On the weekend of March 30, 2012 a select group of current and up-and-coming chapter leaders traveled by bus to Pilgrim Pines camp in the mountains outside of Yucaipa.  Upon arrival these 15 undergraduates were met by five TKE alumni for 48 hours of thought-provoking focus on the future of TKE at USC.

We were privileged to have John Deckard, Chief Administrative Officer of TKE International as our guest facilitator.  As the force behind the TKE Leadership Academy, John used his strategic motivational talents to challenge our members and inspire action.  “Beta Sigma Tekes are used to being told how wonderful they are by alumni, parents and even National”, said David Bohline. “We wanted someone to tell them they could be much better to help them ELEVATE their game. We knew we would get that from John Deckard.”

The weekend consisted of indoor discussion and outdoor activities that were designed to provoke thought.  With no cell phones or electronics the undergraduates were thrown far outside their element.  One of the highlights of the weekend was when the undergraduates were asked to take over the retreat and started goal setting for the next school year.  The most consistent comment heard was that ELEVATE enabled the members to focus in a setting far away from the distractions of a 140 man house in Los Angeles.

Equally impressive for our chapter was the fact five alumni including Chapter Advisor, Chris Sorley, Tom Rule, Tex Wall, David Bohline and John Deckard volunteered their time to participate in the weekend.  This was noted by the undergraduates who genuinely appreciate the support that the Alumni Association and its members provide the chapter.

The inspiration for ELEVATE came to David Bohline when he attended the TKE Leadership Academy in Summer 2011 and saw John Deckard in action.  TKELA is supported by alumni donations and designed for the entire TKE nation, and Bohline thought that Beta Sigma could leverage the concept for the specific benefit of Beta Sigma.  Once John Deckard agreed to facilitate the event and the Beta Sigma Alumni Association pledged financial support the event planning was off and running.

“Beta Sigma is very lucky”, remarked Tom Rule.  “We have a great chapter, but we also have very generous alumni who have helped make our chapter what it is today.”  ELEVATE is an example of how your financial support of the Beta Sigma Alumni Association is making a difference in our undergraduates lives and ensuring continued success for the chapter.  Thank you for your generosity.

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Fraternity for Life Open House and BBQ 2011 Recap


Saturday, July 23, proved to be a great day for the 2nd annual Fraternity for Life event. This year we held a “BBQ” buffet of tri-tip roast and chicken with all the fixings and plenty of wine and beer for everyone. After lunch, we were treated to a tour of West and then East and then finished off with a walking tour of the row.

The event was well attended with over 30 alums and their wives. The undergrads were well represented too with many in attendance.

We had alumni that graduated in the mid-fifties, several from the mid to late-sixties, a couple from the mid-seventies, several from the eighties and nineties, and one or two recent graduates. All in all, we had a great cross-section and several alums mentioned what a great time they had, including frater Dennis Jarrard, who commented that he was able to see three of his brothers he’d lived with in the house and that it had been 50 years since he’d seen them. Another frater, Fred Leland, relayed how much he enjoyed the event and how proud he was to come back and see the condition of the houses and how successful the chapter was.

Make a point of making it to next year’s Fraternity for Life event–tentatively to be held in the middle to the end of July. We’re hoping to grow the event and make it an annual tradition.

Video Credit: Thanks to frater Tex Wall for making the video for this event.

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Marcus Jansen RIP

From Dino Loiacono, Beta Sigma #819Marc Jansen

“I am sorry to say that our friend Mark Jansen who has been courageously fighting brain cancer for quite a few years now, lost that battle today. Mark left behind two beautiful daughters Brittany and Meg, his wife Marie, his mother Sally, his sisters Cassandra and Cynthia and many other loving family members and friends. Please keep Mark and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Mark Jansen, Beta Sigma #733, is hospitalized in the ICU unit of a hospital in Illinois. Mark has been courageously fighting brain cancer for quite a few years now. As much of a tough fighter as we all know our brother to be, his body is having tremendous difficulty keeping up with his incredibly strong mind and spirit.  Ever since Mark was diagnosed, I have witnessed him live his daily life to the fullest, as difficult as that often was for him. I will always be inspired by his wonderful spirit and incredible strength and courage. He still is and always will be one of my closest and dearest friends. I will miss him tremendously and am privileged and so very happy that my children got to know him and his wonderful family.

We are planning a memorial gathering for Mark for next Thursday 5/27/10, 5-8pm, at Donnellan at 10045 Skokie Blvd., Skokie, IL 60077-1026.”

Mark Jansen was a key leader of TKE at USC during the 1980s. He served as President, Treasurer, and general counsel to many of today’s active alumni. He started 28th Street Magaine at USC and grew the TB publishing empire that spanned all Southern California Colleges. He is and will always be one of our greatest Beta Sigma TKE’s.

Mark, we will all miss you.

TKE RCB 1984

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New Web Site and Newsletter Re-Launch


The Beta-Sigma TKE Print Edition is Back!

What an exciting time it is to be a Beta Sigma TKE! In addition to a new brand new TKE House, the Alumni Association has decided to relaunch the print version of the Beta Sigma TKE. In this issue of Beta Sigma TKE, read how the new TKE East House has impacted TKE and increased its presence on the row and on campus. Read more about Beta Sigma’s involvement in student government, other campus organizations, dominance in Ironman, and philanthropy. Prytanis, Marcello Dubaz, also gives an update on Chapter activities, campus leadership efforts by the chapter members, and introduces the new Chapter Officers. Plus, another addition of ‘Heard from the Bond’ where you can learn more about what your brothers have been up to since graduation.

Look for the newsletter to hit your mailbox the week of April 12th. If you have not updated your address take the time to do so now by clicking here:

By the way, we also launched a new web site that you are looking at right now.


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TKE Halloween 2009

Ever wish you were back in College? Remember the parties and good times? Check out this video to get an idea of the scale and scope of the parties TKE USC throws. This is from the 2009 Halloween Party. The chapter also throws an equally amazing Mardi Gras party in the Spring.

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Chapter Moves In to Brand New Fraternity House

The New TKE East Opens!

by Michael Nigosian, #1250

As a senior in TKE, I have seen many improvements to the facilities over the past four years. However the most important, as we all know is TKE East, which had been in the planning process for over a decade. Being the first fraternity on the row to build an entirely new house in the last 30 years, is quite an accomplishment. Moving into the house as one of the first residents ever to experience this magnificent structure was a unique experience. The first night we had hundreds of people stopping by just to get a tour of this house that they had seen under construction for the past year. Nobody was disappointed. From its three outdoor decks, to the large open social spaces, this house was unmistakably a well-designed structure for a fraternity.

As people continually come to visit, the first thing that they say when they walk in is, “I can’t believe you guys get to live here.” Not only does TKE East have the largest rooms on the row, but the level of sound isolation makes it possible to study in your room while the residents next door may be listening to music or watching a movie. It has been a great honor to be here to experience this new house and it is something that the underclassmen definitely look forward to.

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The Beta Sigma Alumni Association
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