
Frater Nicholas Maloof Tours TKE HQ

Frater Nick Maloof is a legend who started the TKE philanthropic partnership with St. Jude in 1972, secured the Miller High Life national sponsorship for the TKE Keg Roll, and poured his creative talent into the Beta-Sigma Chapter from 1975 to 1977.  Initiated at the Epsilon-Alpha Chapter at St. Louis University in 1969, Nick was elected Prytanis of the Gamma-Kappa Chapter at Indiana University when he transferred in 1971.  In 1975 Nick moved to Los Angeles and connected with the Beta-Sigma Chapter where he was the first guest performer in the history of USC Songfest.  He teamed up with six-time Emmy award winning composer Mark Watters.  Together, they co-wrote the TKE Songfest skit “Welcome to Our World.”

Frater Nick recently visited TKE HQ in Indianapolis where he met the movers and shakers of TKE Staff including Donnie Aldrich, Alex Baker and Nathan Lehman. During his visit Frater Nick said he, “wanted to meet key TKE Personnel, and relive some of the highlights of my TKE experience and my presentation before the TKE Grand Council in 1972, which resulted in the TKE / St. Jude philanthropic partnership.”  And his creativity is still flowing.  He pitched TKE on a PR initiative for the TKE / St. Jude 50th Anniversary partnership and proposed a St. Jude Museum.  Beta-Sigma is proud to claim TKE legend Frater Nick Maloof as one of its own.

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The Beta Sigma Alumni Association
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